Thursday, May 6, 2010

One Year Ago

One year ago today, I stood in my bathroom and cried tears of "I'm overhwelmed" because I had just read a stick that said "pregnant." I wasn't sad or upset, just overwhelmed. Wondering, how did this happen? Thinking, This wasn't planned.  Ryan was so excited and ready to announce to the world that we were expecting. I was thinking, How in the world are we going to support a baby? I don't even have a job next year and Ryan is still in school! We weren't supposed to have kids until Ryan was out of school and we had a bigger house, we made more money, blah blah and on and on the thoughts raced. I can't describe it any other way that being completely overwhelmed and a LOT in shock. God rocked our world that night, but thankfully he knew what we needed better than we knew for ourselves.
He always does!
It's been one crazy year since that day, but I wouldn't take any of it back. We are so so blessed. I'm not sure why, but we are. I'm so thankful, that like Craig says, "good things happen to bad people".
I mean look at this cutie?! What would I do without him?
God's blessings are so abundant and often surprising!

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