Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's Day

Mother's Day came and went and I didn't say a thing about it on here. But that doesn't mean I didn't celebrate it and that I am not super thankful for my mom, because I truly am. I have been blessed with a mom who cares. Who cares enough to teach us right from wrong and to expect the best from us. Always. Even now when I am grown up and have a family of my own. She made a lot of sacrifices for us and I'm thankful for everything she did to raise us the way we were. She is one of my greatest friends now and I can't do a day without talking to her.
And this little guy too. He doesn't go a day without hearing from Mae Mae and smiling for her in pictures. He is thankful that she takes the time to come visit him every Monday.
And I love being a mother too. There is just something about it that you can't explain until you have your own little ones. He is the greatest blessing and I have the biggest responsibility in the world-raising my child the way God calls us to.
I just pray I'm half as good a mother as some of the people who have set examples for me. I'm not perfect and I'm still learning, but I do my best.
Being in the classroom with kids everyday teaches you a lot about parenting and raising kids. I've learned a lot and I have a ways to go, but I'm so thankful that these experiences help me see who I want to be as a parent. And that I'm surrounded by other great mothers who are teachers too!
Thank you to all the moms out there for all that you do for your kids!
Happy Mother's Day (just a bit late)!
Love you mom!

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