Saturday, December 5, 2009

34 Weeks and Hudson's Rocker

Well I am behind on posts, but finally I am getting around to it! I am now 34 weeks pregnant and Hudson should weigh about as much as a cantaloupe! Things haven't changed too much lately, just feeling a lot stronger movements and some that are not so gentle too.  But we are definitely counting down the weeks and guessing the days we think could end up his birth day! Anyone have a good guess? Yours is as good as mine!

In other exciting news, Hudson now has this awesome chair in his room for his mom and dad to rock him in (and grandmas and grandpas and other visitors too)! We are so thankful to have this and grateful that we didn't have to purchase it ourselves. Having a baby is costly! Ryan says our house has doubled in value with all of the things we have in Hudson's room now! ha Anway, the rocker is great and we can't wait for the many nights when we will be rocking our baby boy back to sleep in it.

It fits perfectly in the little corner by his bookself and really completes the room. Not another piece of furniture could possibly fit in his cute little nursery so I am glad we are all finished with the big furniture items and only have small things left to be completely ready for his arrival.
Don't forget to make your birth date guesses!

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