Thursday, November 26, 2009

So Thankful For.....

  • my family-they are the most amazing people I know. I love each one of them and am so thankful that they are all here and we can be together today.
  • my husband-he means the world to me and I love him to death! I can't imagine life without him and I am so thankful for his love, laughter and encouragement. He makes the worst day the best.
  • the healthy baby who is growing in my tummy-I'm still amazed that I can love him to much already and have only ever seen him on a tv/computer screen. But God has truely blessed us with this gift and we are so grateful.
  • my in-law family-they are so fun and make life interesting! They are a blessing and I'm thankful to have each and every one of them!
  • my friends-I truely am surrounded by the best friends I could ever imagine. They are fun, uplifting, and are always there when I need them.
  • my job-this is something a lot of people don't have right now and I'm so thankful that I have one and don't have to worry about how I'm going to get by or where I'm going to find work. It's a blessing and quite a task to teach 16 little ones each day but I am so thankful for them. They make my life happier!
  • my faith-We serve one big and amazing God and my life wouldn't be possible without him. I'm truely grateful that I serve a God who is bigger and better than anything I can do for myself.

Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good. His love endures forever!
1 Chronicles 16:34

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you have taken time to count your blessings!

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