Thursday, June 10, 2010

Play Date and a Visit

Today has been a busy day for the little man. It started early this morning with a play date with his buddy Ayden while I taught summer school (pictures to come later) and ended with a visit from Papa, Mae Mae Uncle Jon and Aunt Ashton.  Luckily, he had a two and a half hour nap inbetween so he was well rested!
We ate at "The Bar" as dad calls it, also known as Louie's. It's delicious! Hudson is definitely interested in ordering his own plate! He loves watching people eat. It cracks me up how intently he stares at food. He is still loving his oatmeal and Papa and Mae Mae got to see him eating in action tonight!
Hopefully we get a good night of sleep. Last night didn't go so well. Thankfully tomorrow is Friday! We are ready for the weekend! Goodnight!

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