Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getting Out of the House!

Ryan was gone a lot last week and H and I got really tired of being in the house! I have a new respect for single mothers. It's hard being home alone for several days by yourself. We had some visitors and that was nice, but it's defintely not the same without your spouse. I don't know how single parents do it all the time. It wore me out!
Ryan has also been really worried about his job situation so since he got home I've been trying to keep him distracted and busy. It hasn't really been working, but I was doing my best.  We originally planned to go to OKC because we don't go there often and we needed to run a few errands. But we woke up Monday morning hearing about how things were flooding there and many roads and highways were shut down. So that was a no go. Definitely praying for all those people who have lost cars, have damaged houses, etc.
So we went to Tulsa instead and Hudson got to play, hit the town, and see his grandparents! And we had a good day out!
Today has been the same story. So we went to Chick-Fil-A!
And this boy was supposed to be napping, but of course he wasn't (story of my life)!
We needed to stop at the bank, so we took in H-man's piggy bank too! Did you know that money is the most talked about subject in the bible? More than anything I want to teach this young boy how important it is to be a good steward of money. It's something that we are working so hard at being a good example of. (I don't know if that sentence is correct?!)
He was so curious about what was going on over that counter.
And the spoon saga continues...this boy loves his oatmeal and the spoons. Tonight he fought me for the spoon. He obviously won (but I gave up pretty easy)!
And Ryan has no more worries about a job, because this afternoon he accepted one! I'm proud of him, more info to come!

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