Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cottage Cheese, Baseball and Laundry Shoots

This is really just a meaningless post, but I feel like I have done a terrible job documenting what we are up to these days, mostly Hudson. Maybe it has something to do with that full time working mom thing? I don't know.
A few weeks ago we went to Mazzio's for lunch. For whatever reason I decided to let him try cottage cheese. It turns out that it is delicious and he spent his whole lunch asking for more. No pizza for Hudson. This week we returned to Mazzio's and had the same experience. He wants it on his spoon, but he wants to eat it with his fingers. He is in love.
I think it is also important to note that Hudson attended his first baseball game last night-an Owasso Rams game at OneOK field. If there are two things that Owasso does right, it's baseball and music. Anyway, he did really good. He was a little antsy before the game started, but he was getting worn out and ended up sitting on my lap watching the action most of the time.
Where did all that laundry go?
He has also discovered the laundry shoot. It is quite fun to throw things down there, luckily it hasn't been anything but laundry so far. It's hilarious to watch! 
P.S. Check out those saggin' jammies!

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