Sunday, October 11, 2009

Party Pics

Here are a few pictures from Abby's 18th birthday celebration!

The appetizer and dessert table!
We had cheese & crackers and veggies & ranch dip to snack on,
then strawberry cheesecake and smores for dessert!

The serving table! On the menu: Chicken Parmesan, Shrimp Alfredo, salad, green beans and bread! It was delicious!

Eating area!

Opening presents....Obviously this was a good card!

And this was probably the most liked gift by all! I think every person tried it on and enjoyed the free book light that came with it!
It was a big hit! I'm pretty sure she was still wearing it this morning when I woke up!

And of course I can't be around these girls without having a belly comparing contest!
(Obviously they don't have real babies in their bellies)
I'm pretty sure I'm finally to the point of beating them and there is no return!
Sorry girls, but at least you can enjoy trying!

And what did I get her you ask? A lovely pair of this brand of shoes...

She will be coming to Stillwater this week to pick them out! But most likely she will be picking the pair in this picture! She's had her eye on them for a while! And maybe she just loves me enough that I will get to borrow them too!

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