Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hayden Greer {one month}

Hayden, I cannot believe you are already a month old!
You have the best facial expressions of any baby I've seen.

I really need to weigh you again. At your two week you were 7lbs 12oz so I'm sure you're well over 8lbs now.

You wear newborn clothes mostly. You can wear some 0-3, but most of them just swallow you.

You started wearing size 1 diapers this week.

You love to be cuddled when you sleep. Mommy tries to swaddle you at night so you sleep better, but you are pretty good at breaking out. You sleep in mommy and daddy's room at night, but during the day we are trying out your bed. You also like to sleep in your swing. You don't have a very consistent sleep schedule yet, but I hope we can figure one out soon! 

You are starting to be awake more during the day, but when you get tired you want your paci and to be rocked to sleep. You do not fall asleep on your own-you want to rock or nurse when you're tired.

You really only cry when you're hungry. Occasionally you cry about other things or fuss when you want to be picked up.

You are a good eater and pretty much eat every two hours on the dot. You are not late! Sometimes at night we get 3 hour stretches, but that isn't consistent yet. You are nursing really well and Saturday you had your first bottle. We mostly did this so we can be a little more on the go. You still seem to be a little confused about why your milk is coming out of a bottle (all 3 that you've had), but eventually you'll get the hang of it.

You have lots of smiles right after you eat. You are making a little bit of noise and it sounds like you say "oh."

Your big brother loves you and one day I will write about how you respond to him. Right now it's the same as everyone else. I probably won't be able to say that forever, but I sure am glad he loves and adores you.

This month has obviously been full of lots of firsts. We are just trying to soak up all of these special moments with you. We've enjoyed every bit of your first month and we can't wait to see what is in store for your second month. Welcome to our world sweet boy and happy one month. Mommy and Daddy are so thankful God chose us to have you!

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