Friday, May 24, 2013

Hayden Greer {6 months}

Hayden Greer, is it really possible you've been in our life half a year now? I can't believe your 6 months old.

 Here are your stats:
Height: 26 in (30%)
Weight: 16.8 lbs (30%)
Head Circumference: 43cm (30%) 
You wear 3-6 month clothes, but we are working on changing out your dresser into a bigger size. You wear size 2 diapers. 
You LOVE to eat and you still eat every two hours (notice those nice rolls on your legs). You eat rice cereal every night and love that too. You are going to LOVE food I'm sure.

I call you "roll baby" because you roll yourself everywhere. You are also doing some kind of army crawl with your arms to get across the floor. You get up on all fours and rock back and forth but you haven't really figured out how to make those legs go yet.

You are doing really well at sitting up. You don't last very long because you are always busy and reaching for something!

You're sleep schedule is crazy and mommy prays we can figure it out over the summer. You just want to eat and cuddle all night. I love you, but momma needs to sleep! You go to bed at 9:30 and are usually up by 7:30. You wake up with the biggest smiles on your face like you are just so excited to see us each morning. It melts my heart.
Hopefully we can get a nap schedule down too. Sometimes you'll sleep an hour all day and sometimes you'll take a couple two hour naps. You're pretty good at fighting sleep, but the swing and car seat usually help you give in.

You still chew on EVERYTHING. And you have the strongest grip, once you get a hold of it you are NOT giving it up.

You love your feet-kicking in the water, in your mouth, at your face to make you laugh, pulling off your socks. It doesn't matter. You just love your feet.

You adore your big brother. You are watching his every move and always smiling at him. You love when he plays at your exersaucer with you or runs around in front of you and you follow him with your eyes.

Mommy, daddy and Hudson LOVE you very much. You make us smile and laugh and we couldn't be more thrilled to have you. Happy birthday Hay baby. You are loved.

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