Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Look Back

Well we are officially into our last day of 2009 and I was immediately reminded of it when I woke up and turned on the television this morning. Every show is buzzing with the biggest news of the year and so I thought what a better post than a look back at what 2009 has brought for our family. 

It started with the early entrance of our niece Katy! Isn't she precious?!

Meeting a Food Network star,

and the marriage of our sweet friends!

Then we welcomed in another baby to the Hatch family!

We took our first vacation with our best friends to Branson, MO!

We ran in our first marathon relay team!

And then found out we were expecting a baby! This was the biggest and probably most exciting part of 2009! And yes I was pregnant and ran a relay and had no idea! I just wondered what I was doing to make myself sick! Little did I know what was really happening!

We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary! I can't believe it's been over a year already!

And we took an awesome vacation to not so sunny Florida! But had a great time with family!

We watched more special people in our life tie the knot! Including Bethany and Eric whose picture didn't make it on here. Sorry guys :/

And I did something crazy and took a job teaching Kindergarten! Where we do more crazy things everyday!

We found out that we were expecting a BOY! And started preparing for his arrival!

We watched my baby sister play her final high school volleyball season and Ryan marched his final season with the OSU band. So proud of both of them for all of their hard work!

My parents celebrated 25 wonderful years of marriage!

We took our annual Baylor trips!
 We wouldn't miss these, only for a baby right Steven and Katie?!

And spent the holidays with our families for the last time as just "Ryan and Amber."

More than trips and things we have done we have most enjoyed being together and with our families and friends. We are so humbled and grateful for their never ending love and support. This year has shown us that we are surrounded by people who really value us and we value them too and we only hope we are as supportive and caring to them as they have been to us.
2009, however, has come with it's challenges of course too and I couldn't be more thankful that we serve a God who was and is bigger than all of them and has always provided what we needed. He helped my mom through a difficult struggle with her heart, he blessed me with a job that I couldn't enjoy more, and he has never failed to provide and show us His love when we needed it most. We are looking forward to a bigger and brighter 2010 as we know that God will only continue to love us and guide us on this journey of life. We are excited about what it's going to bring like our little bundle of joy, Ryan's college graduation and more things that we don't even know about that God already has planned! Isn't that so cool?! We look forward to striving to be better people, Christians, givers, and the best parents we can as we move into a new season of life.
I trust that everyone has had a great 2009 and is ready to see what 2010 holds for them.
Here is to always making ourselves better and more in the image of Christ. I hope that is your goal for 2010! Cheers!


Stephanie said...

Good grief! That was a jammed packed year of firsts, lasts, and celebrations! I hope 2010 can live up to those standards!

Amber said...

Thanks Stephanie! It was definitely a great year but I can't imagine that 2010 couldn't be better with a baby boy! Although it will come with it's challenges too, I'm so up for it! Happy New Year!