Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cottage Cheese, Baseball and Laundry Shoots

This is really just a meaningless post, but I feel like I have done a terrible job documenting what we are up to these days, mostly Hudson. Maybe it has something to do with that full time working mom thing? I don't know.
A few weeks ago we went to Mazzio's for lunch. For whatever reason I decided to let him try cottage cheese. It turns out that it is delicious and he spent his whole lunch asking for more. No pizza for Hudson. This week we returned to Mazzio's and had the same experience. He wants it on his spoon, but he wants to eat it with his fingers. He is in love.
I think it is also important to note that Hudson attended his first baseball game last night-an Owasso Rams game at OneOK field. If there are two things that Owasso does right, it's baseball and music. Anyway, he did really good. He was a little antsy before the game started, but he was getting worn out and ended up sitting on my lap watching the action most of the time.
Where did all that laundry go?
He has also discovered the laundry shoot. It is quite fun to throw things down there, luckily it hasn't been anything but laundry so far. It's hilarious to watch! 
P.S. Check out those saggin' jammies!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrating Jesus

Happy Easter!
We hope that everyone has had a wonderful weekend with family and remembering that our Jesus is risen!
Yesterday we went to the church picnic and egg hunt. Hudson was really distracted by the other kids and the balloons in the room where his age group hunted. But if we handed him the eggs he would put them in his basket.
I had to share this picture because it is so sweet. Addie always wants to hug Hudson, but he usually turns the other way. I guess yesterday he was feeling extra sweet-he was giving her hugs in return.
I have to say that I think he is so handsome in his Easter outfit. Thanks to Ayden for passing down this blazer he was never able to wear, a large tie from his newborn days, and a new shirt this Easter outfit looks brand new but cost us little ;). I'm always thankful for a good deal!
Mom says that the boy already knows what it is like to have a wife because sweet Addie just had to fix his tie. Ha!
We didn't get many smiles out of him this morning at church. The poor baby burnt his hand on my curling iron while I was getting ready (it was definitely my fault) and he was VERY unhappy about it. I don't blame him, I would be too.  
We were sad that daddy didn't get to go to church with us this morning, but know that this is just a season of our lives that will soon be over. Someday (hopefully soon) he will be off nights and feel like a normal human again. We are so thankful for him and all that he does to support us. 
Here is the little stinker and his Easter basket. He got some bath toys, bubbles, an outfit and a Thomas the Train DVD. I'm not sure if he will like Thomas as much as "hot dog" but we will soon find out. His Mae Mae also got him the giant book in the background. It has different dogs on each page and spots to "pet" the dog. It's been a huge hit!

We pray that you know the risen Savior and that you have taken the time to praise Him today! Because HE lives we can face tomorrow!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Check Up and the Easter Bunny

Today we went to Hudson's 15 month check up.
He weighs 22 pounds (16%) and is 30 in (17%).
His head circumference is 19in. (79%).

He overall looks great and she didn't hear his heart murmur. He will still visit the cardiologist in the fall, but it's nice and to know that it sounds better! He got his measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and his chicken pox vaccine.

And I have to share our pictures with the Easter Bunny. We made somewhat of a spur of the moment decision to go this morning. We waited until late in the season and I just imagined us standing in line for hours, trying to entertain an active toddler, just to get a picture of a screaming baby with the bunny. So we figured if we went this morning after his appointment there wouldn't be a line and we were right! We were the only people there!
He was interested in watching him and checking out the scenery, but he was in no way interested in sitting on his lap. That's how we ended up with this!
But when I sat with him he did okay. He kind of gave us the blank stare, but at least he wasn't hysterical. Maybe next year I won't have the take a picture with the Easter bunny too!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

15 Months

Hudson you are 15 months old (yesterday!)
I am a day late getting your post up, but I want to keep updated on all that you are doing.

I really am not sure of your weight. My guess is around 22-23 pounds. We go to the doctor this week so we will get exact measurements soon.

You are wearing 12-18 month clothes. You will probably be in this size pants forever because your poor legs are just so short!
You are wearing size 4 shoes and we just moved up to size 4 diapers too.

You are SO very active! You are all over the house in a matter of seconds. You can get up the stairs (and move the gate out of your way) so fast it scares me to death. You are really good at climbing up and down the stairs, but it still makes me nervous.

You still love to act like a dog and most days I'm 100% convinced that you would rather be a dog. You want to play in their kennel, eat like them (no hands), play with their bowls, put their collars on, etc. It's quite the show!

Your favorite thing on TV (and the only thing you pay any attention to) is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I can't even explain what happens when you see it and how much you want to watch it. Your favorite part is the Hot Dog! song and that's what you call the show also. You now get the remote and tell us "hot dog." It's pretty ridiculous, but so cute at the same time.

You LOVE music. You spend most of your time at Aunt Erin's house playing the guitar and try to get on the stage to play the guitar at church too. You love to see the music part of the service and can't take your eyes off the stage while they are playing. I'm just sure you will be musical, it's in your blood (thanks to daddy).
You talk and talk and talk! You say mom, da da, ma ma (which is Mae Mae), hot dog, hot, dog, uh oh, papa, thank you, that that (when you want something) and non (Jon).  You still use baby sign language too. You sign more, up, finished, hat, and yes sir. Papa just taught you hungry and you love to do that one too. I hope I didn't miss any....

You are still a good eater for the most part. You still love your carbs the most, but aren't too picky. The funniest thing you do right now is suck the juice out of the orange slices instead of eating them. This poses a slight problem as you think you can now do this for all of your food...
You are in love with milk!

I think you have 15 teeth. I haven't been able to get in your mouth to count lately because you have your yucky mouth virus again. You also chipped your first tooth a few weeks ago. It makes me kind of sad that your cute smile has a chipped tooth, but it's still precious nonetheless.
You now sleep through the night!! You go to bed around 9:30 and get up around 7 or later. You also take a 2-3 hour nap around 11 each day! This is the best schedule you have had in your whole life and mommy is so thankful for it!

This past month you spent your first night away from mommy. I didn't do too bad leaving you except when you kept blowing me kisses and wouldn't let go of me. It's hard to walk away from you, but it's good for us to have time apart too. You were so good for Aunt Erin and you kept your sleep schedule which makes me so happy. Mommy and daddy also sold the very first house that you ever lived in and that makes us a little sad too. We had so many great memories with you in that house, but it's not where we live that is important. As long as we are all together we are happy!

You are such a joy to be around! You are just a good natured baby and don't get upset about too much. You are so fun and the best thing to come home to. Watching you grow is so fun and we love to talk about all the new and cute things you do, like blow kisses! Daddy and I love you more and more each day little stinker!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sarah Palin and Best Friends

This weekend I spent my first night away from H man to go to the Women of Joy conference in Oklahoma City.
I met my best friend there and it was nice for it to be just us like our Stillwater days began. We got to catch up in many areas of life and we stayed up until the early hours of the morning giggling like little girls (sorry hotel neighbors). I truly am thankful for time away with friends. I think it helps you keep your sanity.
Sarah Palin spoke Friday night and she really is a great woman. I know a lot of people don't agree with her politics, but I think that she is a Godly woman and she is striving to carry that out through her work in the government. I respect her very much. Her life isn't easy, but she continues to stand her ground for Christ. 
We also got to hear Anita Renfroe speak. She is absolutely hilarious! She made a song about my favorite drink BIG OL' SWEET ICE TEA. Sorry I had to post it in all caps because it's just that great! We also heard Kay Arthur speak and she knows more about the bible than anyone I have ever heard. She is 77 years old and still going strong!
Hudson had a great time with his Aunt Erin and he did really good, but I was so excited to have him back. He is such a good boy and I'm thankful for that. I am also thankful for weekends to myself to spend time with friends, with the Lord, and be reminded that God created us to be women of joy. Only true joy comes from Him and when we are walking with Him we will experience it. I'm grateful that our God loves us that much.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Monday we closed on our house. As in it is SOLD! It's been a long wait, but it's finished now and we are so thankful for that! 
 We also stopped to meet sweet little miss Peyton Jean!
Hudson got to play with his buddy Ayden, while I held the baby. He didn't seem to mind her too much. He came over and checked her out a few times, but he was pretty excited about playing that he wasn't too worried about it. He and Ayden played in the big boy bed and had a good ole time.
Isn't she just precious? All 6lbs 11oz of her! I'm thankful for the friends we do life with and I'm even more grateful that God blesses us with things like selling houses and sweet babies. He doesn't bless us because we are good, but because HE is! I'm so thankful that I serve a BIG God who is in all the details like selling houses and finding a new one! Thank you Lord for loving me like you do!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Chris Tomlin

The For If Our God is For Us tour came to Tulsa and we decided as a family to all go together!
Mom and dad ended up not being able to go at the last minute so we invited our friends Gene and Janice. I couldn't ask for anyone better to take mom and dad's place. They are such an amazing Godly couple and we look up to them so much. They are as sweet as can be. 
I love them. They crack me up! 
Our poor gimp Ash. She was injured in a terrible ski accident ;) 
I'm glad Abby and Ash got to come from OKC/Norman to go too! 
If you don't know who Chris Tomlin is then CLICK to learn all about him. If you go to a church that plays contemporary worship music you may be hearing/singing some of his songs and just didn't know it. He has an incredible talent that he is using for the Lord. He also had Louie Giglio with him on the tour. He is an incredible speaker and you might want to know who he is too :). And the opening band is THIS great group called Rend Collective. They are Irish and completely amazing.
I had a short video from the concert on my phone. Once I get it loaded I will try to add it! I'm so thankful that God gives people like these incredible gifts that they can use to minister to others.